Speakers Bureau

All Speakers’ Bureau volunteers must have:

  1. Completed Las Guias training.
  2. Completed at least 30 tours.

New guides may apprentice and may become a member of the Speaker’s Bureau

Scheduling of talks is provided by the Speaker’s Bureau Scheduler.

Most of the presentations have been converted to PowerPoint. Complete directions for usage are available from the Speakers Bureau Technical Chair. The equipment is stored in a locked area at Receiving by the loading dock. The Security Officer at the desk has the key to unlock the equipment cage.

Museum and Guild membership brochures should be distributed at each presentation and an invitation made to visit the museum. It may be appropriate to provide information on the latest exhibits.

Organizations interested in scheduling a Speaker’s Bureau presentation may do so by calling the dedicated Voice Mail for the Speaker’s Bureau at 602-251-0293

There is no charge for a presentation, however, if a group wishes to donate money to cover equipment and material expenses, they are encouraged to do so. Checks should be made out to The Heard Museum Guild and given to the Chair who will forward it to the Guild Treasurer.

Immediately following the presentation, the following information must be given to the Speakers Bureau Chair:

  1. Number of people present
  2. Date
  3. Name of group
  4. One Credit is given for each presentation, for both the guide and the apprentice. The Chairperson inputs the information to the Las Guias Tour Check-Out records.