Bylaws & Policies


Code of Ethics

The Heard Museum Guild makes an essential contribution to fulfilling the mission of the Museum which reads, “The mission of the Heard Museum of Native Cultures and Art is to educate people about the arts, heritage and life ways of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, with an emphasis on American Indian tribes of the Southwest.” Volunteers share with staff and members of the Board of Trustees a responsibility to support a code of ethical behavior consistent with the public trust accorded the Museum. Guild members should accept responsibility for understanding the policies and programs adopted by the Museum Trustees and support the achievement of these policies and programs. Volunteers should abide by relevant portions of the ethics statement as it is contained in THE COLLECTION AND COLLECTION MANAGEMENT POLICY of the Heard Museum.
Access to the Museum’s inner activities is a privilege, and the lack of material compensation for effort expended in behalf of the Museum in no way frees the volunteer from adherence to the standards that apply to paid staff. Conflicts of interest restrictions placed upon the staff must be explained to volunteers and, where relevant, observed by them. The volunteer must work toward the betterment of the institution and not for personal gain other than the natural satisfaction and enrichment of participating in the Museum.While the Museum may accord certain special privileges to volunteers, they should not accept gifts, favors, loans or things of value from other parties in connection with carrying out duties for the institution.

Volunteers who deal with the Museum’s collections and interpretive programs work in areas that are especially sensitive. In particular, volunteers may find that they have access to confidential information and should respect that confidentiality as part of the vital support they render to the Museum.

Museum volunteers should consider themselves obligated to fulfill their responsibilities in the same spirit as though they were a part of the paid staff.

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Guild Bylaws

Revised 3/20/2013


The name of this organization shall be THE HEARD MUSEUM GUILD.


The object of this organization shall be to further public interest in The Heard Museum and to support and aid the work of the Board of Trustees and the Staff of the Museum.


SECTION 1. Membership in the Heard Museum shall be a prerequisite to membership in the Heard Museum Guild.

SECTION 2. All Board members, chairs, and committee members shall be members of the Heard Museum Guild.

SECTION 3. The Guild Code of Ethics shall be the guide for conduct of all Guild members’ volunteer activity.

SECTION 4. There shall be six classes of membership:

  1. Active members shall be those whose dues are current and who participate in the activities of the Guild.
  2. Associate members shall be those whose dues are current and who may participate but are not obligated to do so.
  3. Honorary membership may be conferred for life by the Board of Directors in recognition of distinguished service in the Guild.
  4. Complimentary membership may be conferred by the Board of Directors for one year.
  5. Life members shall be those who have paid the amount designated and who may participate in all activities of the Guild, but are not obligated to do so.
  6. American Indians shall be accorded membership free of charge as long as they are Museum members.

Heard Museum staff members may not become members of the Guild, but may volunteer for special events.


SECTION 1: Dues for active membership shall be $25.00 per year. Dues for associate members shall be $35.00 per year. Life members shall pay the amount of $350.00 and shall be exempt from annual dues. If a Life member’s Heard Museum dues should lapse for more than one year, the life membership fee shall be considered a donation to the Guild.

SECTION 2: Annual dues shall be due on June 1. If dues are not received by August 31, the member’s name will be removed from the membership list.

SECTION 3: A new member joining after March 1 shall be considered as having paid dues for the ensuing year.

SECTION 4: Honorary members shall not pay dues but shall have a vote and may hold office.

SECTION 5: Complimentary members shall not pay dues and shall not have a vote or hold office.


SECTION 1: Regular meetings of the Guild shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month, September through May, unless otherwise requested by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2: A majority of the members present and voting shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Guild.

SECTION 3: The annual meeting shall be held in May for the primary purpose of installing newly-elected officers.


SECTION 1: The elected officers of the Heard Museum Guild shall be: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Nominating Committee Chairman.

SECTION 2: The officers shall be elected at the April meeting to serve for one year. The term of office of the President, President-Elect, and Secretary shall begin when they are installed at the annual meeting in May. The term of office of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall begin on October 1 to coincide with the with the Guild’s fiscal year. The incoming Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, however, shall assemble the budget for the next fiscal year. The term of any elected office shall not exceed two consecutive one-year terms.

SECTION 3: The duties of the officers shall be such as usually pertain to their respective offices, as assigned to them by the Board of Directors and as outlined in their respective job descriptions.

A.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Guild, its Board of Directors, and its Executive Committee; shall represent the Guild on the Board of Trustees of the Museum; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; and shall appoint all Coordinators and committee chairs. The President shall have served a minimum of one year as a member of the Board of Directors.

B. The President-Elect shall assist the President and fulfill such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. The President-Elect shall preside in the absence of the President.

C. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Guild, the Board of Directors, and the Executive and Finance Committees, shall conduct the official correspondence of the Guild, and shall ensure that the records of the Guild are transferred to the Museum Library and Archives for permanent retention.

D. The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all funds of the Guild and disburse payments. The Treasurer shall make a report to the Board of Directors and to the Guild at each monthly meeting; the report shall be filed with the minutes of the meeting. The Treasurer shall be chairman of the Finance Committee and shall prepare a budget for approval in September by the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors, to be presented to the Guild for ratification at its September meeting. The Treasurer shall have records available for the Museum audit.

E. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and shall manage the financial transactions for specific Guild projects.

F. The Nominating Committee Chair shall head the committee that forms the slate of candidates for the coming year.

G. Everyone who has the authority to sign checks and contracts shall be investigated, following Museum procedures, prior to being placed on the slate of candidates.

H. Only the following officers shall have authority to sign checks and/or contracts on behalf of the Guild:

  • President – checks and contracts
  • President-Elect in the absence of the President – checks and contracts
  • Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer – checks

Checks in excess of $5,000 must be cosigned by the President.

SECTION 4: If the President-Elect cannot serve as President, the new President shall be chosen from the current Board of Directors.  If there is a vacancy in any of the other elected offices, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy from a single slate submitted by the Nominating Committee.


SECTION 1: The Executive Committee and the Finance Committee shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Parliamentarian.  The President leads the Executive Committee; the Treasurer leads the Finance Committee.

SECTION 2: The Executive Committee shall conduct business when the Board of Directors cannot be convened.

SECTION 3: The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the President or any two members of the Executive Committee. The Finance Committee shall meet at the call of the Treasurer.


SECTION 1: The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Nominating Committee Chair, Long Range Planning Chair, Parliamentarian, Guild Technology Coordinator, Museum Services Coordinator, Museum Education Coordinator, Community Programs Coordinator, Guild Programs Coordinator, and Membership Services Coordinator.

SECTION 2: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the property and business of the Guild.

SECTION 3: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month, September through April, unless otherwise requested by the President. The Board may meet at the call of the President or any two Board members. All Board meetings are open to the Guild membership.

SECTION 4: A majority of voting Board members shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 5: All members of the Board except elected officers shall be appointed by the President, be voting members of the Board, and fulfill such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.

A. Coordinators are the liaison between the Board of Directors and the committee chairs under their respective jurisdictions. A Coordinator may also serve as the chair of a committee in the same or another jurisdiction.

B. The Long Range Planning Chair develops short- and long-term goals for the Guild.

SECTION 6: The Parliamentarian shall serve in an advisory capacity as a non-voting member of the Board, the Executive Committee, and the Finance Committee.

SECTION 7: If there is a vacancy among the appointed Board members or the Parliamentarian, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy from a single slate submitted by the Nominating Committee.


SECTION 1: Standing Committees shall function as outlined in the job descriptions.

SECTION 2: Special committees may be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Authority and term limits shall be designated by the President.


SECTION 1: The Nominating Committee shall consist of five members of the Guild: the Chair and four members appointed by the Chair. The Chair shall have served on the Nominating Committee the previous year, and the other members shall have a wide range of experience in Guild activities. Members may serve for only one year at a time. No current Executive Committee member shall serve as a member of the committee but may be invited to attend the first meeting to offer non-binding suggestions and ideas. If there is a vacancy in the Nominating Committee, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy from a slate submitted by the Committee Chair.

SECTION 2: A single slate shall be presented by the Nominating Committee for the following offices: President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Nominating Committee Chair. Nominations may be made from the floor provided consent of the nominee has been obtained.

SECTION 3: The Nominating Committee Chair shall present the slate of candidates to the Board of Directors at the February meeting, publish the slate in the March newsletter, and announce it at the March Guild meeting. Voting takes place at the April meeting and the officers are installed at the May luncheon.  

SECTION 4: If there is more than one nominee for an office, election shall be by secret ballot and a majority vote of members present shall elect.


The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent with these Bylaws.


Amendments to these Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors for approval and then published in the Guild newsletter. Amendments shall be finally approved at a regular monthly Guild meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present.

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Policy Statements

Revised October 9, 2013


Role of the Guild

The Heard Museum Guild supports the mission and goals of the Heard Museum through volunteerism in:

  • Education
  • Support of American Indian artists and their communities
  • Enhancement of the visitor experience
  • Public outreach, and
  • Fund-raising.

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Any change in policy must be approved by the Guild Board of Directors. Any action requiring a change in policy must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to the action being taken. Changes in Heard Museum Guild Policy Statements shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors for approval. Any Guild member may recommend changes in the Policy Statements. Any Guild member wishing to speak before the Board for the purpose of introducing ideas, raising questions, or presenting proposals, should notify the Guild President and request inclusion on the agenda for the intended meeting.  If financial information is involved, it must be reviewed with the Treasurer before presentation to the Board. The May Annual Meeting minutes may be read and approved at the next Executive Committee or Board of Directors Meeting, whichever comes first.

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The Guild’s fiscal year is October 1 to September 30, the same as the Museum’s fiscal year. The Museum selects the banking institution for the Guild’s accounts. The Guild makes a discretionary contribution to the Museum’s Operating Fund at or before the Guild’s May meeting and luncheon. The Executive Committee, after review of all financial accounts, shall determine the amount of this contribution, and bring it to the Board for approval. Each year in August the Treasurer will prepare and the President will give the Museum Board of Trustees Finance Committee a projected amount of the contribution for the coming year. The Guild makes a discretionary contribution to the Museum’s Restricted Library Fund at or before the Guild’s May meeting and luncheon. The Library Book Sale Chair determines the Committee needs for the next Sale. The excess is the contribution. This determination is reviewed and approved by the Guild Board. In 2006, the Heard Museum Guild established an American Indian Student Workshop Endowment Fund. That Fund is now renamed the American Indian Student Endowment Fund.  During the 2011 Museum audit, the fund was reclassified as a Board of Trustees Designated Fund. The earnings from this endowment and the principle shall be used to offset the costs of conducting programs and activities that directly impact American Indian students including workshops, scholarships, school grants,  Student Art Show, and other related activities.

  • During the Guild budgeting, the Executive Committee decides and the Board approves how much of the fund, if any, shall be used to support these activities.  The Treasurer will request the withdrawal of such funds from the Museum CFO in a timely manner.
  • At the conclusion of each annual Museum audit, a fund report is received from the Museum.
  • In the event the Guild terminates it’s involvement with American Indian Students, the Guild Board will recommend disposition of the Fund subject to Guild approval.

The Note Cards Chair determines the Committee needs for the next year. The excess is transferred to the American Indian Scolarship and Grant Fund. The amount of the fund to be used for scholarships and grants is determined at budget time by the Scholarship Chair and the Grants Chair and approved by the Guild Board during the budget process.

The Guild Treasurer will maintain a Special Events account of $11,000 to be used as start up money for any event or fund-raising initiative the Guild Board of Directors wishes to start. Profits from the new project shall reimburse the Special Events account to bring the account back up to $11,000.

Undesignated monies donated in the memory of deceased Guild members or their family members will be deposited in the Unrestricted Memorial Fund, the use to be determined by the Board.

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Indian Fair & Market

The Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair and Market follows the guidance of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 in accepting artists. That Act states: “An Indian is defined as a member of any federally or State recognized tribe, or an individual certified as an artisan by an Indian tribe.” In addition, the Fair accepts Canadian Status Indians. In all cases the Guild requires copies of relevant documentation.

Each year, the Guild will fund a “Best of Classification” ribbon at the annual Indian Fair and Market.

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MiscellaneousGuild Members:

  • The spouse of the President and CEO of the Museum shall be a complimentary Guild member.
  • A Guild member whose responsibilities require his/her presence at an event shall NOT pay for admittance to that event EXCEPT the Indian Fair and Market Best of Show Reception.
  • Guild members and Museum staff members may not accept monetary honoraria for judging at Guild events or for any other purpose.
  • No Guild monies will be used for refreshments for Guild members, unless included in an approved committee budget.

Dues are to cover at least Administration, Technology, and Membership budgeted net expense. When they do not, a raise in dues should be considered.

Field trips:

  • Guild members will be given first choice.
  • A $100 non-refundable contribution to the Guild is included in the price of the trip.

Guest speakers or artists:

  • An artist speaking at a Guild meeting or a Guild education class may sell his or her own work. A speaker representing a Native American Co-op may sell the works produced by the co-op at the Guild meeting or education class.
  • Travel reimbursements must be budgeted and approved by the Guild Board.
  • The honorarium is $150.

Spring Luncheon: The price of the ticket shall cover the cost of the event.

Speakers Bureau: No charge shall be made to any organization requesting a speaker through the Speakers Bureau. Donations will be accepted.

All fundraising activities shall be developed in consultation with the Museum Director and staff.

Non-budgeted expenditures in excess of $300 shall be incurred and paid only upon approval of the Board of Directors.

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Service Time & Awards Policy

The Museum, the Museum’s Board of Trustees, and the Guild recognize the value of service and quality of work of the Guild volunteers with awards based on number of service hours. All volunteer service hours should be carefully recorded and filed with the Guild administration as a means of aiding the Museum in preparation of grant and sponsorship proposals.

It is the responsibility of each Guild member to report his/her service hours by March 31 of each year. Any hours recorded after that date will be included in the following year’s statistics.

Volunteer time shall be recorded electronically by the Guild member throughout the year on the Members only section of the Guild’s website (  If the Guild member has no computer access, the computer in the Guild Room may be used to record hours. Failing this, the member may, at any time, submit a paper record of hours in the Guild Room or to the Chair of the Service Awards Committee, who will record the hours electronically.

The Service Awards Chair, with the help of the Technology Chair, will give directions on how to record hours on the Guild website during the years. The Service Awards Chair totals the cumulative hours for the annual report and for the Museum and keeps paper records for those without computer access.

There shall be no time limit for earning an award. Members with a break in their service may combine their hours.

Service time to the Museum or Guild is defined as follows:

  • Service time to the Museum or Guild begins at the time of arrival at the place of assignment and ends at the finish of that work session and includes round trip travel time from the volunteer’s home.
  • Actual time spent at Board meetings, Guild meetings, committee meetings, work sessions, etc., relating to Museum or Guild projects.
  • On-the-job training in the Museum Shop, Library, Curatorial Department, and at the Information Desk.
  • Training time required for maintaining or improving proficiency in any service area, including are workshops, continuing education, and new exhibit walk-throughs.
  • The Las Guias Training Course must be completed prior to guiding and pursuing an Education Ketoh. A total of 186 hours will be considered hours toward a service award upon graduation.
  • Attendance at gallery openings, parties, etc., is not considered service to the Museum or Guild.

I. Service Awards

  • 300 hours/year:  One-time discount in the Museum Gift Shop.
  • 500 lifetime hours:  Silver Ketoh or Bolo. These awards are underwritten by the Board of Trustees.
  • 1,500 lifetime hours: Silver Bear, which is to be attached to the top left corner of the Guild badge as you look at the badge.
  • 2,500 lifetime hours:  Gold Bear, which is to be attached to the top right corner of the Guild badge, and inscription of the volunteer’s name on the Service Awards Plaque in the Guild Room.
  • 5,000 lifetime hours:  The Guild member is given Honorary Membership to the Guild for life, and a special award (Katsina doll) shall be presented to the honored volunteer at the Annual Award Luncheon. The member’s name shall be added to the Service Awards Plaque in the Guild Room.
  • 7,500 lifetime hours: a Silver Feather, which is to be attached to the bottom left corner of the Guild badge. This award is underwritten by the Museum.
  • 10,000 lifetime hours:  Recognition with his or her name on a commemorative panel in the Museum courtyard.
  • Each year the Museum will honor the person with the highest number of cumulative hours by placing his or her name with other Museum donors. No person will receive the award more than one time.

II. Education may recognize the Outstanding Senior and Freshman Guides of the Year. Recipients’ names will be added to a plaque in the Guild Room.

Guides who attain twenty years of guiding will be recognized by having their names engraved on a plaque in the Guild Room.

III. Three Shop Awards: Shop Volunteer of the Year at Central, Shop Volunteer of the Year at Heard North, and Shop Chairman. The names are added to plaques in the shops at Heard Central and Heard North.

IV. A Special Achievement Ketoh may be given to recognize outstanding and original ideas developed by the person or persons receiving this award.

V. A Special Recognition Ketoh for Continuation of an Existing Project  may be given to recognize a person for the time and dedication he or she shows to an existing project.

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Museum Guest Security Policy

In accordance with Museum policy to assure the safety and well-being of Museum guests, all Las Guias members shall have a criminal background check. The results and information associated with background checks shall be safeguarded in accordance with both Guild and Museum privacy policy.

In order to comply with the Museum Visitor Access Control Policy as it relates specifically to Guild members, the following is adopted as Guild Policy:

A signing in and a signing out at the Receiving Security Desk is required when a Guild member:

  • Is performing an assigned duty in the main Museum building, such as Info Desk, Library, Guide, etc.
  • Is attending a meeting in the Guild Conference Room, or
  • Has business in Museum Administration

Shop and Café volunteers may sign in and out in their respective work areas.

No signing in or out is required for meetings scheduled through Museum Administration in Dorrance or Steele such as Guild monthly meeting, Guild Board or Education meetings.  Security knows those meetings are taking place and the scheduled times for the meetings.

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The Heard Museum Guild, in close association with the Heard Museum, values the personal information of its members. To comply with the U.S. Privacy Act and Federal regulations, the Guild Board has established a Member Privacy Policy. The day-to-day procedures for executing this policy are spelled out in the Heard Museum Guild Website Operations Handbook.

The Guild maintains a private and secure database of its members. This database stores information on all present and past members and is used to manage data necessary for the Guild to perform its operations and obtain grants for the Heard Museum. The information is only accessible to the Heard Guild Technology Committee who, on request, provides reports to Guild committees or the Heard Museum. These reports, whether electronic or printed, are kept private and used only for the business of Guild committees and the Heard Museum.


This Member Privacy Policy document delineates the directives and guidelines used to maintain the privacy of Guild members. A separate Internet Security Policy Statement addresses in more detail the security of electronic information.


The Guild Technology Committee will review this policy statement annually and submit changes as necessary to the Heard Guild Museum Board for approval.

Member Privacy Policy

Guild member names and contact information are considered private and strict controls will be used to ensure member privacy. The Guild will not share personal information, including member lists and contact information, of any of its members with other entities or non-profit organizations. The only exception to this sharing policy is the Heard Museum and its staff.

It is recognized that to support Guild operations and events, member information must be available to current Guild members.  That information will, however, be safeguarded on a password-protected website.

A member may choose not to have his/her contact information published on the Guild website or in the Guild newsletter. A member may at any time change his/her preference for publication of name and contact information.  Such requests should be made to the Membership Committee Chair or to the Webmaster.  These records will be maintained by the Guild’s Membership Chair.

The following are specific privacy policies:

  • Unless a member has opted out, name and contact information will be published in the Guild’s Membership Directory, the members-only and Las Guias websites, and the Guild’s newsletter. Contact information will be limited to mailing address, phone number, and email address.  
  • The Guild uses photographs of its members and the general public to portray key Guild events and activities. When photographs are associated with a member’s name, permission will be obtained from the Guild member.
  • The Guild uses electronic and written formats to communicate with members. As much as possible, generic email groups will be used to communicate with members to ensure that individual email addresses are not visible.
  • The Guild publishes a monthly newsletter that is distributed primarily electronically and is posted on the members-only website. If a member submits an article with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.

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The Heard Museum Guild, in close association with the Heard Museum, maintains a presence on the World Wide Web (www) with both public and member only access. To govern the Guild’s multiple web sites and comply with Federal regulations, the Guild Board has established an Internet Security Policy. The day-to-day procedures for executing this policy are spelled out in the Heard Museum Guild Website Operations Handbook.


This Internet Security Policy document delineates the directives and guidelines used to secure the Heard Museum Guild’s web sites and the use of email to contact Guild members. A separate Privacy Policy Statement addresses more generally the protection of members’ personal information.


The Guild Technology Committee will review this policy statement annually and submit changes as necessary to the Heard Guild Museum Board for approval.

Internet Security Policies:

The Heard Museum Guild maintains three websites:  A public site, a members-only site, and a Las Guias site. The following are the security policies for each of these sites.

Public Site: The Heard Museum Guild’s website will be fully open to public access with no login user identification or password restrictions. The following specific actions will be taken:

  • To ensure the privacy of Guild members, only the names of key Guild committees and committee chairs will be published on the public site.
  • When specific contact information is required, generic names and email addresses will be used as much as is feasible.
  • If a member submits text to be posted on the public site with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.
  • When membership and monetary transactions are involved, trusted Internet software will be used to ensure the privacy and security of existing/new members and the general public making ticket purchases or reservations. Extensive diligence will be taken to protect credit card and financial information.

Members-Only Site: Access to the Heard Museum Guild’s members-only site will be limited to current Guild members and will be protected by standard login identifications and passwords. The logins and passwords will be established, maintained, and modified by the Guild Technology Committee’s Webmaster. The following specific actions will be taken:

  • Any Guild member lists, contact information, photographs, or documents shall be maintained in a secure environment, with access limited by means of passwords to authorized Guild members and Heard Museum staff.
  • Standard login identifications and passwords will be changed on a periodic basis.
  • Information identified by the Guild President as sensitive and requiring additional protection will require an extra password to limit availability to select members.
  • When specific contact information is required, generic names and e-mail addresses will be used as much as is feasible.
  • If a member submits text to be posted on the members-only site with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.
  • When membership and monetary transactions are involved, trusted Internet software will be used to ensure the privacy and security of existing/new members and their ticket purchases or reservation fee payments. Extensive diligence will be taken to protect credit card and financial information.
  • The Guild publishes a monthly newsletter that is distributed primarily electronically and is posted on the members-only site. If a member submits an article with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.

Las Guias Site: Access to the Heard Museum Guild’s Las Guias site will be limited to current Guild Guides and will be protected by standard login identifications and passwords. The logins and passwords will be established, maintained, and modified by the Guild Technology Committee’s Webmaster. The following specific actions will be taken:

  • Guide member lists, contact information, photographs, or documents shall be maintained in a secure environment, with access limited by means of passwords to authorized Guild members and Heard Museum staff.
  • Standard login identifications and passwords will be changed on a periodic basis.
  • Information identified by the Guild President as sensitive and requiring additional protection, will require an extra password to limit availability to select members.
  • When specific contact information is required, generic names and e-mail addresses will be used as much as is feasible. If a member submits text to be posted on the member-only site with his/her contact information, it is assumed that that constitutes permission to publish that information.
  • When membership and monetary transactions are involved, trusted internet software will be used to ensure the privacy and security of existing/new members and their ticket purchases or reservation fee payments. Extensive diligence will be taken to protect credit card and financialinformation.

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The Heard Museum Guild recognizes the efficiency of corresponding with its Members via email. These messages sent to the membership are unsolicited emails. Although sending emails is often the easiest and fastest way to communicate with Members, email that is useful to one member may be perceived as “spam” by others.


This purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines and procedures for the distribution of information to Guild Members via mass email.


Mass email should only be used to distribute information of an official, critical, or time-sensitive nature that must be brought to the attention of the entire Guild community or a significant portion of the Guild community. Information not meeting these criteria should be sent via personal email or submitted as an article in the monthly newsletter Artifacts. Mass email should not be used for personal messages (other than the social announcement outlined below), items for sale, chain letters, or jokes.

Examples of acceptable mass distribution are:

  • Announcements of upcoming Guild-sponsored events. Committee chairs should try to limit requests for event announcements to 2 or 3 mass emails per year.
  • Monthly distribution of Artifacts newsletter.
  • Communications from the Guild Board to the general membership.
  • Solicitation of members to sign up for committees, committee activities, or specific events. Committee chairs must maintain their own distribution lists to committee members for committee activities and communication.
  • Las Guias communications. A separate email distribution list is maintained and limited to use by Las Guias members. See procedure on the Las Guias website for sending a mass email to Las Guias members. Note: Noticias is sent to Las Guias directly from the Museum, not from the Guild Las Guias email distribution.
  • Social announcements to notify members of a death, funeral, or memorial services or illness of a member. Thank-you messages as a follow up to these emails should be done on an individual basis (since they do not apply to the entire Guild community).


Requests for email distributions should be emailed to the Guild Webmaster at Include the following information:

  • Subject line for email.
  • Text of the email message. The Webmaster reserves the right to edit or revise the message when appropriate. Do not ask the Webmaster to compose the email request.
  • Name, email, and phone number for recipients to respond.
  • Attachments should be limited. Multiple photos (i.e., .jpg files) will not go through the email distribution system. If a photo is absolutely needed, contact the webmaster for advice.
  • Date of distribution. Plan ahead! The Webmaster may need up to 3 days to distribute the email. Once your request is received you will receive a reply from the webmaster to confirm.

Alternatives to Mass Email: The Guild publishes a monthly newsletter, Artifacts. Announcements, requests for volunteers, and information of interest to all members are types of items that can be included in Artifacts. Submissions to Artifacts should be sent to Deadline is the Thursday after the monthly Guild meeting.

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